Jumat, 15 Mei 2009


Aku kaget, shock, plus prihatin setelah melihat video yang ditunjukkan oleh dosen pake Hape Blackberry beliau. Pak Dosen mendapatkan video ini dari salah satu website ternama kemudian menunjukkannya kepada mahasiswa/i-nya. Aku nggak nyangka bakal ada orang seperti ini di dunia setelah menonton video singkat ini. Beberapa hari setelah menontonnya, aku denger dari nyokapku kalau video ini ternyata juga jadi bahan pembicaraan ibu-ibu di pasar! Berikut aku menyertakan video tersebut dan silakan Anda menontonnya, mungkin perasaan Anda akan sama dengan saya setelah menonton video PENINDASAN PRT KEPADA ANAK MAJIKAN itu!
Berikut video-nya :
Kejadian ini tersingkap karena si anak, konon, terus-menerus mengeluh sakit di tubuhnya pada ortunya. tapi si anak tidak(berani) memberitahu penyebab rasa sakitnya itu. Ketika sang majikan bertanya pada si pembantu, ia hanya menyangkal alias pura2 tak tahu. Sang majikan lantas curiga dan memasang kamera pengintai CCTV di sudut ruangan tanpa sepengetahuan si pembantu. Setelah melihat hasil rekaman, tahulah sang majikan bahwa si pembantu ini telah menganiaya anak mereka. Yang kudenger sih, mereka menuntut si PRT dan akhirnya si PRT (cuma) dihukum 2 tahun penjara!
Note: di video ini, yang disiksa adalah gadis kecil berusia 3 tahun, PRT-nya memakai celana biru, anak lain yang duduk di kursi juga anak majikan yang masih berusia 1 tahun. Parah bgt, pasti hati nuraninya sudah menghilang entah ke mana!

Selasa, 05 Mei 2009

APRIL...It's an eventful month!!!

Wew…, April…what a busy month for everybody! Not only for ‘the high schoolers’, who had just finished their National Final Examination (this really makes me remember the moment when I was in the Senior Year!), but also for me and my friends! Yet another assignment to do and the mid-term exams are enough to make my days even tougher and confusing, hehe…
But luckily, there were some events that can make me feel less miserable this passed April, for they were unique, exciting and informative! Now I’m glad to share them with you and it’s gonna be a long posting!
On the fourth of April, I went to Suryo Street along with my Mom to attend The Jewelry Workshop, which was held by Rapid Education Consultant Medan and JDMIS(Jewellery Design&Management International School) from Singapore. We arrived there a few minutes after the scheduled time and we thought we were late, but it’s surprising that we found ourselves as the first comer! Then the staff led us to the workshop room (there was a table with many equipments and a slide-projector) but nobody was there except two of us! We took a seat and just kept waiting at the others. Suddenly two foreigners (‘bule’) came into the room. They started to greet us (“Thank you for coming, bla...bla…bla…”). I thought that it’s a rare opportunity to learn from the native speakers how they speak good English and I was the interpreter for my Mom, hehe :-)
Finally the other visitors(who had also reserved the seat like us) came and the workshop started. The two foreigners are British but they have been teaching in Singapore for years. One of them is Mrs. Tanya. She explained a lot of things related to Jewelry Design and about JDMIS institute in SG. For instance, about jewelry industries, the course modules, some jewelry modelling, history and trends, and descriptions about designers, Gemmology(the study of jewels/gemstones), also about JDMIS itself.
After the slide show, Mrs. Tanya started to perform her skills and techniques in making jewelries, like using metal clay (this clay is sold in SG and contains lots of tiny particles, a.k.a silver powder) to make a silver ring! I never knew that making a silver ring can be so much easier than I thought (if we have the materials)!! She also made a beautiful necklace with stringing method. I got some brochures and booklet for further details. After the workshop, we went to another room to see the jewelries exhibition.

Most of the jewelries were made by the students of JDMIS, cool huh?! It was a really nice day and I got something new from this event, the knowledge about the art of jewelry design! Oh ya, JDMIS also will make a short course for family to learn about jewelry design and you’ll get certificate after the course. I think it’ll open in June.
Next, the second event was on 18th and was held at USU! It was the Japanese Cultural Festival (Bunkasai)! What a great opportunity to know more about Japan, cool! It was also a coincidence because I didn’t know it was being held again in Medan until I read the article from Analisa newspaper. I must not miss this annual event!!! So I told my friend, Christine (halo Chris! Hehe..I know you are very fond of everything about Japan), and we arranged a meeting on the next day to visit USU! Yeah, there we saw a lot of things, it was very crowded too! There were some stands for bazaar, selling Japanese stuffs

and food, also band and cosplay performances(anime and harajuku style), we met a contestant with an awesome costume(from the anime: Rozen Maiden)
, yukata photography (so many people queue up only to take some pictures with yukata),

Japanese Ghost house, etc. We also watched Japan movie, the title is Gomen (Sorry) presented by The Japan Foundation. The story is about a boy, who is dealing with the problem of maturity and his first love to an older girl. It’s a funny movie actually but some dialogue and the acting of the kids were too bold! The main character can say something awful(jijay) without any hesitation! For me, it’s too weird for kids to do that! But after all it’s a nice movie. Christine also bought Okonomiyaki

which sold by one of the food stands. It tastes good, a little bit like pasta I think.

N.B: We also took a pic with a kawai woman in Yukata :)
That day was hot but exciting! Yeah, hope Bunkasai will be held again next year !
On 25th April, I went to Grand Angkasa Hotel to join a training seminar which held by my college. The seminar was about Table Manner.

There, the hotel staff taught us about the correct attitude and rules of eating at the formal situation, like social gathering, business contact, the origin, arrangement of menu and beverages, types of alcoholic beverages(like Gin, Vodka, Rum, Tequila,etc.), table d’hote setting, etc. Unfortunately, this seminar is not for free, hehehe… every participant must pay Rp 90.000,- to join this event.

But I think it’s worth the expense, for we had a short tour to the swimming pool, grand ballroom, Tian Wai Tian Oriental Restaurant to let us know more about this five-star hotel and also we could enjoy delicious meals after the tour,hehe…:-P

The appetizer was a plate of Caesar Salad-it’s yummy! And I finally know that it comes from Mexico!

Next menu is Soup(honestly, I don’t like it!) but after the main course came, haha…I had my appetite again! This was absolutely delicious! Chicken Steak with black pepper gravy, yum…yum! The steak is filled with vegetables and cheese! Hoho…!

Afterwards, the dessert was a plate of rich Chocolate cake with Vanilla ice cream! Sluuurp…!

I was too full when the last beverage came, a glass of Terong Belanda juice, and I just drank a little. That day was a nice day too! When the seminar was over, all of us gathered to take a picture at the lobby of Grand Angkasa.
After I went outside the lobby, together with my classmates, to wait for my Dad to fetch me, we saw someone coming out with several staffs. We were surprised to see that Mr. Syamsul Arifin and Mr. Gatot Pujo Nugroho were there! It seemed that they just had an important meeting at Grand Angkasa. Well… it’s great to see them directly! Hoho…
Yeah, this was a great month, I think. Lots of new things to see and hope this May is going to bring me more different and inspiring events!