Minggu, 26 Oktober 2008

It's getting closer!

Wah...a week has passed already! Still like other days, always full of activities!Busy...but I think I should be active rather than just stay at home doing nothing, right? Haha...*_*;;
Well, it's a tough week actually. Last week I had followed an examination at STBA-PIA. The exam was called HSK-中国汉语水平考试(Zhong Guo Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi)which means The Chinese language Proficiency Test-also known as Chinese TOEFL. The test is answered by choosing 4 options(ABCD) and every participants(examinees) must answer about 140 questions which divided into 3 parts; Listening, Filling the blanks(grammar structures), and Reading Comprehension. Although I am quite sure with my ability but while doing the test, I was still nervous b'coz of the condition in the class(AC-nya dingin bgt! Semua pada serius...pokoknya cukup menegangkan deh!)
But until now the test results haven't been announced yet. I must still wait for it. Hopefully my test result will not very disappointing!
Then...next week there will be another examination waiting for me!!!
AARRGGGHHH......!!! Mid-tests again! I must prepare myself to deal with it and I don't know when I can relax for a while...Okay...I think I'll continue next time...
N.B: Halloween is getting closer! My B-day also...hehe...I wonder if my campus will make a Halloween party or not just like last year according to what I heard from my friend....:)

5 komentar:

Random mengatakan...

sibuk ya neng.
sama di sini.
tgl 10 nov, nanti aq ujian mid.
terus banyak tugas kelompok, maupun individu. makalah, presentasi...

yo semangat yo!

Unknown mengatakan...

Haha...begitulah...namanya anak kuliahan! :)

Juliana Endang mengatakan...

i forgot u bday..
wat a cucu-durhaka..
hix.. T_T"
telat nich LTP, tp hpy bday y!
gmn hallowenna? :D

Unknown mengatakan...

Halloween sempat dirayain di kampus dengan cara yang gak semestinya hahaha...staf2nya pada ngedandan kayak monster plus setan2 trus nakut2in orang2...cewek2 pada teriak-teriak gak karuan, cape deh....tapi ya begitulah, lumayan juga, soalnya gak pernah ngalamin yang begituan.

Unknown mengatakan...

Gak apa2 kok kalau lupa paling2 kalo ketemu w hajar aja, hahaha...gak lah, lu pasti sibuk, w sangat mengerti kok, w juga lagi sibuk nih akhir2 ini! :)